Monday, 29 September 2014

Post Modernism

What is it?

Post-modernism where you take work from the past and change it, by adding modern elements to it, this can include art and cartoons in order to try and make the original image fun and humours. Post-modernism can play with reality by changing the views of certain cultures.

Post-modernism is also a form of intertextuality because it takes different ideas form different media sources and reinvents that idea to make it appealing to the viewer.

 How does post-modernism start?

Experimental -----> Cannon -----> Post-modern
          (Cycle Repeats)
  1. Post-modernism cycle starts with the experimental stage, This stage establishes the trend.
  2. Then when the trend is established, it leads into the second stage called the cannon, this is where the trend gets fixed into the population and everybody follows it.
  3. Then when everyone is following the trend, post-modernism happens and then the old trend, that the new one replaced, is reinvented and brought back.
Usually when post-modernism occurs, intertextuality is used to reinvent it. Intertextuality can take 3 forms:
  • Homage - Imitation is the highest form of flattery
  • Pastiche - Using the imagery of one text to make a comment
  • Parody - Talking the mickey

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