Monday, 6 October 2014

Detailed post on genre


The word 'genre' is French for kind/sort and means a repertoire of elements/contentions being like a list of ingredients expected in specific genre.

History of the rock genre:

Originally founded rock music in the mid 50s, by Chuck Berry. Rock became extremely popular and was accepted by the younger generations. This was largely due to younger generations who were excited by the thought of having music that expressed their rebellious streak and their desires to promote anti-conformism.
Rock music grew stronger and stronger with artist such as Elvis Presley, around this time many of the black rock and roll artists left the rock music scene and in their place were a host of other white rockers with a style and look all of their own.
After Elvis Presley's famous entrance, other well known rock idols and bands started popping up from everywhere, but something was lost along the way, rockers started losing sight the whole reason that rock and roll had become popular in the first place, which was non conformist and rebellious attitudes.
Rock music has evolved to become an array of different styles and sub categories, which provide enjoyment for a multitude of different tastes in music.

Rock Characteristics:



Extreme styles


Extreme music (for the time)

Band Representations:

The Band shown is AC/DC and they are a rock band formed  in November 1973. This is a typical way in which the band are represented, they are shown as being a group of guys who don't care about their appearance. In todays society, most people are shown to be well groomed in the fact that they like to look good and that they have modern hair cuts, short, but this group are shown to be rebellious if the fact that they are ignoring all of the modern trends and sticking to the old ways.
As well they are represented as wearing dark clothing with is often associated with evil or satanic ideas and the denim jeans with jackets makes them look old school again because they were styles of the rebellious who wanted to stand out.

Rock Genre Ideology

The band would also believe in standing out from the crowd, not being the mainstream people who always follow the newest trends in fashion. They are all about sticking to the old.
Also I think they are all about being rebellious, not doing what their told and also not doing what the people with high authority tell them to do.

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